Groups 157 of 99+ julia-users › Google SoC '16: Native Julia solvers for ordinary differential equations, Julia|Quantum , and Native Julia implementation of Holonomic Functions 5 posts by 5 authors Joseph Obiajulu Mar 15 Hello All, My name is Joseph Obiajulu and I'm a junior studying mathematics and computer science at Princeton University. I was looking through the project ideas for potential GSoC projects on the Sage page, and I came across a project idea concerning Native Julia solvers for ordinary differential equations. I have experience with differential equations from my math training, as well as exposure to different numerical computing methods and am starting to get my feet wet with coding in Julia, and so thought that I might be able to contribute to the project. I wanted to ask on this mailing list, especially to those who will mentor this project, where the best place to start would be I have a few ideas, but I wanted to ask those who have put more thought into this question for advice . Also, I was wondering if this is a high-priority project, or if there is another project that the Julia community would rather have someone work on for the summer. With that said, I also am thinking of proposing two of my own project ideas of course, I would only end up pursuing one over the summer, but I figured it doesn't hurt to propose additional ideas . The first is working to expand Julia|Quantum . I have a particular interest in quantum mechanics and especially quantum computing, and I thought a cool project would be to work on implementing some of the long term JuliaQuantum project goals see these goals here , as well as maybe implementing simple quantum computing algorithms, such as Shor's and Groover's. This idea is still very much in its infancy, so I'm curious to hear what people think of it. The second is a native julia implementation of holonomic functions. Holonomic functions draw their strength from their closure properties, and often can simplify some calculations or at least that's what I've read, I'm still looking into it . The following dissertation would be something I would work through as I try to implement standard operations of holonomic functions addition, multiplication, integration, derivatives, etc . This is more of a 'Blue Sky' project, but I find it particularly interesting, because it is probably the most mathematically heavy one of the three I've proposed, and I that's something that get's me excited, especially that it deals with analysis, which is my mathematical focus. I'm eagerly awaiting to hear from the Julia community! Thanks for the help, Joseph Mike Innes Mar 16 Hey Joseph, Glad to see your interest, I think your best bet at the moment is just to get going with the ideas you have – perhaps try a few things in parallel and see what picks up momentum. As for the Holonomic functions project, it sounds pretty interesting, but it's obviously difficult to judge ideas like this. There are plenty of people on this list who would have relevant expertise, but if nothing else I might have a look over the idea myself over the next couple days. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that right now. Cheers, Mike Chris Rackauckas Mar 16 Taking a quick look at the paper you linked makes big use of symbolic computing algorithms to compute things like a Groebner basis. To get the infrastructure for what's proposed you would need a whole symbolic computing library, which is why they used Mathematica. I think implementing a fast and extendable symbolic computing library in Julia would be great because of its type system, but this sounds like a lot more than a GSoC project. If you want to put together quantum mechanics and differential equations, you could look into specialized solvers which are focused on those types of equations. PDE solvers for Schrodinger's equation and the like. Helping out with the complex numbers issues could be really interesting an insightful see the julia-dev thread, and look up the issues and would be required to go forward here. However, quantum algorithms may be interesting in Julia, and maybe you could simulate their actual running this would likely be a large project too... , but the quantum algorithm implementations themselves wouldn't be very useful. But yes, I think a lot of people think that ODE is pretty high on the priority list. I've seen a few of the developers say things along those lines. There's a lot of very basic and useful things that need to be done. For sure there should be some tests to show that the algorithms are all implemented properly, and there should be more stiff solvers and the like. Stefan Karpinski Mar 17 Re: julia-users Re: Google SoC '16: Native Julia solvers for ordinary differential equations, Julia|Quantum , and Native Julia implementation of Holonomic Functions Related: https: jverzani SymPy-jl and http: Xiaodong Qi Mar 17 Hi Joseph, JuliaQuantum is in short of mentors right now. If you have someone in the broad Julia community who can sit in your mentor committee and help judge the feasibility of a possible GSoC project, JuliaQuantum organization may be able to support your project before the deadline of GSoC applications. I will start another thread in this news group to call for mentors and will respond to your other questions posted on the JuliaQuantum issues. Good luck, Qi