Groups 156 of 99+ julia-users › Julia community stewards 5 posts by 5 authors Tim Holy Jun 29 Other recipients: juli... Hi everyone, I'm writing to call your attention to a new page on the julialang website, explaining the mission of a newly-created group called Julia Stewards : http: community stewards This is a group that we hope will have very little to do, but which seems important given the growth present and future of the Julia community. As stated in the first paragraph: The spirit of community is crucial to free open-source development. In the large majority of cases, interactions are naturally constructive, but in rare cases conflict can arise. This document explains the mechanisms for conflict reporting and resolution within the Julia community, to handle violations of the Julia Community Standards. Naturally we welcome questions, discussion, and feedback on this document, either here in the mailing lists or in new issues at: https: JuliaLang issues Best wishes, --your Julia Stewards Lyndon White Jun 30 Other recipients: juli... Excellent quality people. Good of them to step up to formally take on the nontechnical roles -- ontop of the very significant technical roles most all? are already playing. As such, can we new get a formal response from one of these Stewards to Bridging the IRC and Gitter https: forum !topic julia-users ImKYzqHXA90 Further to that, the IRC, and thus the gitter, due to the bridge was spammed 3 times in the last week Which I think is abnormally high . It would be nice to have someone on IRC and Gitter with the ability to kick spammers, or at least set up a bot to catch flooding etc. The chat channels do seem rather lonely of stewardship, as it were. Steven G. Johnson Jul 1 Other recipients: juli... On Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 12:20:10 AM UTC-4, Lyndon White wrote: As such, can we new get a formal response from one of these Stewards to Bridging the IRC and Gitter https: forum !topic julia-users ImKYzqHXA90 To be clear, the role of the Stewards is to respond to Community-Standards violations in the hopefully rare cases where informal feedback from other community members is insufficient . Technical maintenance of community forums is not their responsibility. Chris Rackauckas Jul 5 Other recipients: juli... I think in general we need some active mods for IRC Gitter. Some people with the ability to edit something to get rid of accidental mentions sorry parallel.... and ban spammers. It's not too bad, and most issues are dealt with people being reasonable, but I can see future moderation needed. Who would we talk to about this? Jameson Jul 6 Other recipients: juli... I have +o privileges on IRC. I'm almost never on, but I can give ops if you PM me and have an account registered with NickServ.