Groups 155 of 99+ julia-users › Arrayfire and Julia 13 posts by 6 authors M. Zahirul ALAM 11 14 14 Arrayfire has a large library for GPU computing. They have decided to make their codes open source. I am hoping that someone much more able than me will write some sort of wrapper to use the Arrayfire library in Julia. Here is the github link: https: arrayfire arrayfire Tony Kelman 11 14 14 I had the same response, great that they open-sourced the library, and wrapping it in a Julia package would be interesting and not that hard to do. It just needs someone to put a little bit of time into it. How long have you been using Julia? Try compiling the arrayfire library and writing a few ccall's into it from Julia, it should be a pretty direct translation of their Clanguage API. On Friday, November 14, 2014 2:59:01 PM UTC-8, Zahirul ALAM wrote: Arrayfire has a large library for GPU computing. They have decided to make their codes open source. I am hoping that someone much more able than me will write some sort of wrapper to use the Arrayfire library in Julia. Here is the github link: https: arrayfire arrayfire M. Zahirul ALAM 11 14 14 thanks. I have been using Julia for five months or so. I have not used the ccall function ever. I will try it out as soon as I am done my current project. Viral Shah 11 17 14 Wow, I did not know about this. We certainly should leverage this. The API looks easy to call too from C, from the examples on their github page, and that is good news for us. -viral Test This 11 17 14 Happy to see thus reaction from a core julia developer. Hope julia makes parallel programming on CPUs and GPUs easier. M. Zahirul ALAM 11 17 14 May be somehow we will be able to integrate this with Julia so well that we will always have the first-mover advantage ; -zahir M. Zahirul ALAM 11 17 14 I second this. On Monday, 17 November 2014 12:27:43 UTC-5, Test This wrote: Happy to see thus reaction from a core julia developer. Hope julia makes parallel programming on CPUs and GPUs easier. Viral Shah 9 18 15 We at Julia Computing have done some exploratory work on ArrayFire-jl, which is now available here. This is not a supported package at the moment, but that could change in the future. For now, we are putting out what we have done. https: JuliaComputing ArrayFire-jl -viral Tim Holy 9 18 15 Re: julia-users Re: Arrayfire and Julia I don't know anything about ArrayFire, but this seems potentially interesting. Checking the code, it seems like you used the Cpp interface rather than what appears to be an available Clanguage interface. Any particular reason? As in, don't use the Clanguage interface, it doesn't work ? --Tim Viral Shah 9 18 15 Other recipients: kfis... I believe the Clanguage interface is not as well supported as the Cpp one, but I could be wrong. That is probably why Keno chose the Cpp interface. He could perhaps say more. -viral Keno Fischer 9 18 15 Other recipients: vi... Arrayfire is written in Cpp, so the Cpp is by far the simplest way to interface with it. This work was mostly exploratory, to see if it was useful at all. If somebody wanted to seriously use it now, I could see wanting to rewrite it using the Clanguage interface, but that would be a simple task once the API is figured out. Alternatively, just wait until the Cpp interface is considered sufficiently mature. Tony Kelman 9 18 15 I skimmed some of their c api and it looked pretty usable. M. Zahirul ALAM 9 28 15 Thanks Viral and everyone else. I will play with this later this week. :