Groups 145 of 99+ julia-users › Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page 15 posts by 12 authors Shashi Gowda Feb 10 Other recipients: juli... Hi all, I have merged the previous ideas pages 2015, 2014 into a canonical one https: soc ideas-page and set up the appropriate redirects Please add your Summer of Code ideas and edit previous ones here https: JuliaLang edit master soc Let us also try and keep this page updated all year round so that ideas get carried over to the next summer. Julia will be applying for GSoC 2016. The organization application deadline is on 19th, it will be nice to have a high quality ideas page by then. Thank you Sisyphuss Feb 11 Other recipients: juli... Since Atom will be the canonical IDE for Julia, maybe the project juliette can be removed from that list. Mike Innes Feb 11 Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Other recipients: juli... We definitely wouldn't be against having a really solid Julietta-jl GtkIDE-jl based application. There are pros and cons to all of the different IDE approaches, and GSoC is a great opportunity to work on whatever interests you the most! In general, please don't be shy about adding ideas, or even just making suggestions that we can fill out in detail – and feel free to ask us questions if you're not sure about anything. Pranit Bauva Feb 11 Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Other recipients: juli... I am interested in Ordinary Differential Equations package. But when I was reading the conversations on the mailing list as well as on GitHub, someone mentioned that quite a bit of work has already been done. So I want to know the status as well as future prospects of the package ODE-jl . And there also exists a Sundials-jl package which manages to cover most of the ODEs, so is another package ODE-jl really required? Regards, Pranit Bauva Mauro Feb 11 Re: julia-users Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page It is desirable to have ode-solvers which are pure Julia. Both to cut down on dependencies and to allow easy hacking and development. Further, Sundials-jl will not work with generic Julia datatypes e.g. I think Julia sparse matrices are not supported for Jacobians . Thus, ODE-jl is to stay and to be improved on. The currently ongoing work of which I'm aware is: https: JuliaLang ODE-jl pull 49 https: JuliaLang ODE-jl pull 72 Needed work is: - more solvers - a unified code structure API - parallelism ? I'll try and update the GSoC description. Tobias Knopp Feb 11 Other recipients: juli... Yes please remove Julietta from the list since I don't have time to work on this project anymore and atom seems to be processing further. However, it would be absolutely great if better support for writing simple guis would improve. Both Winston and Gtk-jl could benefit from some SOC contribution. Tobias Zheng Feb 15 Other recipients: juli... I would like to propose a Julia optimization package for Generic Frank-Wolfe algorithm. This is an algorithm regaining popularity with this ICML article 2013 And there is future research on this direction since. This algorithm has a beautiful property when applied to the constrained optimization with the atom norm constrain, such as L1-norm, nuclear norm etc.. It embeds the sparsity into the solution searching process, and guarantees a linear convergence rate, and is optimal within the same sparsity. There exist currently some code in Matlab, Python and Clanguage. But they work all on specific problems such as Lasso, Matrix Completion, and not ready for deployment. It will be nice if we can realize a fast, generic Julia implementation. It will benefit both the academy and the industry, and probably bring a lot of citation to Julia. I would like to apply to this proposal as a student. I met this algorithm last summer and am interested in its development. I have also some idea about the multiple-level APIs to implement it. And I happen to have some interaction with the paper authors, which will be a plus to this project. I like Julia, and I have used it for one year. I have learned a lot from it, and am prepared to learn more. I hope to find a mentor who could help me mainly on the Julia side, which is the key of a fast and generic algorithm package. And if possible, it will be nice to have it be integrated into the JuliaOpt. Zheng On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 4:49:19 AM UTC+1, Shashi Gowda wrote: Mike Innes Feb 19 Re: julia-users Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Other recipients: juli... Hey Zheng – I'm no optimisation expert, but this looks like an interesting proposal! I think your best bet would be to get in contact with someone who is an optimisation expert, either by posting an issue on an appropriate repo or by getting in touch directly. It'd be great to have someone we know with some experience vouching for your idea. Matthew Pearce Feb 23 Other recipients: juli... Whose GSoC idea is the 'Dynamic distributed execution for data parallel tasks in Julia'. I'd be keen to collaborate. I've been working on a package ClusterUtils-jl that works like scripting for HPC. At the moment it's written pretty much just to scratch my own itches. It would be great to get involved with a GSoC project but I have PhD and other commitments so can't take full time out. Matthew PerezHz Feb 26 Re: julia-users Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Hi Mauro, I would like to submit a proposal to work on the ODE-jl package, for the GSoC. From my undergraduate and master thesis I have experience with the Taylor method for solving ODEs ie., based on Taylor series expansions . This is a variable order, variable step size method, which uses automatic differentiation techniques in order to reach high order integration methods 30th, 40th order which enable machine-epsilon precision with very competitive speeds. I think the Taylor method is important to include in the ODE-jl package, as it is very versatile and precise. Besides the utility of the Taylor method for ODEs integration, a DAEs solver can also be implemented using the Taylor models framework. I would be very happy to contribute to the ODE-jl package! Best regards, On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 7:56:45 AM UTC-6, Mauro wrote: It is desirable to have ode-solvers which are pure Julia. Both to cut down on dependencies and to allow easy hacking and development. Further, Sundials-jl will not work with generic Julia datatypes e.g. I think Julia sparse matrices are not supported for Jacobians . Thus, ODE-jl is to stay and to be improved on. The currently ongoing work of which I'm aware is: https: JuliaLang ODE-jl pull 49 https: JuliaLang ODE-jl pull 72 Needed work is: - more solvers - a unified code structure API - parallelism ? I'll try and update the GSoC description. Nilabhra Roy Chowdhury Feb 26 Other recipients: juli... Hi, I just started with Julia a few days back. I found the ideas page and thought I could contribute. Any pointers to where I should start ? Maybe fix some bugs? Ilya Orson Feb 27 Re: julia-users Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page The Taylor method for ODEs has alredy been implemented within the TaylorSeries-jl package, although maybe not too user friendly. Check out the Kepler problem example. Mauro Feb 27 Re: julia-users Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Hi Jorge, thanks for your interest! I think this would be a welcome addition to ODE-jl and I would like to see how this somewhat non-standard method fits within the framework of ODE-jl. I think this could make a strong application. A couple of things: I never participated in GSOC, so I don't know how to proceed. Whilst I did update the GSOC ODE-jl proposal, there may also be other suitable mentors. I guess that is something to be discussed. Cheers, Mauro Ilya: Jorge is a PhD student of the authors of TaylorSeries-jl. PerezHz Feb 29 Re: julia-users Re: julia-dev Re: Google Summer of Code 2016 - Ideas Page Hi Mauro, Thank you for your reply! Sure, we can discuss some ideas of how to fit a Taylor ODE integrator within ODE-jl and sketch a proposal, how do you think would be the best way to discuss this? I'm eager to learn Julia as much as I can and implement some other methods of integration for ODE-jl if you want me to, I have worked before with implicit, symplectic Runge-Kutta methods also 8th and 12th order . Out of looking for a numerically precise, robust, ODE solver, which could integrate some celestial mechanics problems, is how we came across the Taylor method. I haven't participated in GSoC also, but I have been reading a bit about the process, and I think the next step is to submit a proposal on March 14th-25th. Also, I talked today to Luis Benet chair of my advisory committee about the GSoC proposal to contribute to ODE-jl and told me that if it gets approved he could get some resources so that I could go to work with you guys for a couple of weeks! Lastly, who do you think would be also interested to participate as a mentor for this project? I'll be happy to work with whoever you guys decide is the best mentor for me! Best, Jorge RAJ Rohit Jalem Mar 2 Other recipients: juli... Nilabhra, You can start with either the Base Julialang repo or any other package which interests you. Try to pick up an issue and try to solve it by sending a PR. The julia community is very helpful, and would help you during the process. Good Luck! regards, Raj