Groups 117 of 99+ julia-users › Could not allocate pools when using pmap 2 posts by 2 authors li... Oct 13 Hello, I am a problem when I use pmap function to do parallel computing on a 48 cores workstation. The workstation has Linux system. I am using a recent updated julia-0.4.5. I downloaded the binary version and set up path to bin file to call Julia. It is fine to do julia abc-jl However, when I did following, julia -p 16 abc-jl Error: Could not allocate pools Then I type, ulimit -a linan pd-srv-msa-01 $ ulimit -a core file size blocks, -c 0 data seg size kbytes, -d unlimited scheduling priority -e 0 file size blocks, -f unlimited pending signals -i 1390380 max locked memory kbytes, -l 64 max memory size kbytes, -m unlimited open files -n 1024 pipe size 512 bytes, -p 8 POSIX message queues bytes, -q 819200 real-time priority -r 0 stack size kbytes, -s 10240 cpu time seconds, -t unlimited max user processes -u 1024 virtual memory kbytes, -v unlimited file locks -x unlimited Could you please let me know where this problem come from and how to solve this problem? Thanks very much. Linan Mauro Oct 13 I think this is https: JuliaLang julia issues 10390