Groups 112 of 99+ julia-users › newest stable version of julia on EC2 AWS instances - starcluster 3 posts by 3 authors Alex Fakos Sep 9 Hi, I am trying to run julia in parallel on EC2 AWS. I use the starcluster package to create a cluster of instances. The problem is that the instances have already installed the 0.3.0 prerelease. I log in the starcluster master node and use the instructions from http: downloads platform.html sudo add-apt-repository ppa:staticfloat juliareleases sudo add-apt-repository ppa:staticfloat julia-deps sudo apt-get update this command is giving me errors: W:Failed to fetch http: ubuntu distrs raring etc. and other similar messages sudo apt-get install julia Unfortunately, when I type julia in the terminal the 0.3.0 prerelease comes up. Note that in my regular EC2 instance the above commands work and install julia 0.4.6 As a general question, how can I launch instances with the latest stable version of julia preinstalled? If I cannot do that, how can I install the latest version of julia in all my cluster nodes? Thanks a lot, Alex Michael Prentiss Sep 9 I do not know an answer, but you may want to use the amazon cluster generator cfncluster . It is under constant development, unlike starcluster. It may be easier. https: awslabs cfncluster Viral Shah Sep 11 You should use the generic linux tarballs. The ubuntu binaries are no longer maintained, which is why they are not listed on the downloads page, and instead buried deeper on the platforms page. Perhaps we should remove them altogether. -viral