Groups 91 of 99+ julia-users › Segfaults in SharedArrays 9 posts by 4 authors Nils Gudat Jun 15 I've had a longstanding problem with random segfaults in a program I've written which recently re-appeared see original discussion here: https: forum !topic julia-users FV9AmKsZNuk It appears that currently these segfaults are caused by the usage of SharedArrays or at least running the code in parallel ; if I run the code on a single core it runs for days without segfaulting, while in parallel a segfault usually occurs within an hour or so of the program running. Someone in the other thread mentioned experiencing the same issue. Has anyone else noticed this is this a known issue? How would one go about de-bugging this sort of thing? Tim Holy Jun 15 Maybe see https: JuliaLang julia pull 16899? --Tim Nils Gudat Jun 15 That looks familiar, yes. Would this be available in 0.4.6 then? And if so, when is 0.4.6 expected to be released? Tim Holy Jun 15 Dunno, but if you can build julia from source, you can easily make the same change yourself and see if it fixes the problem. If not, then you know you should keep searching for the real answer. Best, --Tim Matthew Pearce Jun 16 I had a similar issue. In the end I started using yield ; in code blocks run on remote machines before the actual command. On phone now so hard to look up but amit murphy posted a patch to do with finalisation on remotes that also helped think issue number might have been 14445 . Nils Gudat Jun 25 No luck unfortunately on 0.4.6 either, so it seems the SharedArray fix assuming it made it into 0.4.6 didn't help. Any other ideas? How does one figure out the source of a segfault? Andrew Jun 25 I didn't see the SharedArray fix on the 0.4.6 commit log. On Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 2:01:31 PM UTC-4, Nils Gudat wrote: No luck unfortunately on 0.4.6 either, so it seems the SharedArray fix assuming it made it into 0.4.6 didn't help. Any other ideas? How does one figure out the source of a segfault? Nils Gudat Jun 26 Oh well that would explain why it had no effect then - is there some version that contains this fix then? Would building the current 0.4.7+ master from source do? Sorry, I've stuck strictly to stable versions so far so am not well versed in how the master branches work Tim Holy Jun 26 Re: julia-users Re: Segfaults in SharedArrays If you've succeeded in building from source, you're almost there: https: JuliaLang julia pull 16899 files is literally a 1-line change, so you could just fire up an editor, make the same change in your own source, rebuild, and test. Best, --Tim