Groups 80 of 99+ julia-users › Parallel Julia - Base.TCPServer init is not initialized 1 post by 1 author Eric Sabo Mar 9 Other recipients: bi... I have no problem running Julia in parallel on my laptop or desktop machines, but when I try to run it on a really small cluster more like a workstation I get the error ERROR: ArgumentError: Base.TCPServer init is not initialized in isopen at . stream-jl:317 in close at . stream-jl:378 in listenany at . socket-jl:730 in start_worker at multi-jl:1002 in process_options at . client-jl:238 in _start at . client-jl:378 I can this error even when I try the following command on a blank file julia -p 2 blankfile-jl . I'm unsure of what TCP server Julia is looking for. Do I need to set one up ahead of time to run in this kind of environment? Thanks, Eric