Groups 76 of 99+ julia-users › Using parallel reduce inside module 1 post by 1 author Jānis Erdmanis 9 15 15 For now I have following code which does the job outside module: module MyModule function parallel_inside a::Array Float64,1 s parallel + for i in 1:1000000 sum a end end end function notparallel a::Array Float64,1 s 0 for i in 1:1000000 s + sum a end end function parallel_outside a::Array Float64,1 s parallel + for i in 1:1000000 sum a end end a randn 10000 time notparallel a time parallel_outside a time MyModule.parallel_inside a Where parallel version works for me if I run it with julia -p 2 . mycode-jl I want to store paralized function in module. How can I call it? If I uncomment the last line and call it with: julia -p 2 . mycode-jl I get a long error message. Althought without -p 2 it works, but without performance gain.