Groups 59 of 99+ julia-users › Performance compared to Matlab 20 posts by 15 authors Vishnu Raj 10 18 15 Although Julia homepage shows using Julia over Matlab gains more in performance, my experience is quite opposite. I was trying to simulate channel evolution using Jakes Model for wireless communication system. Matlab code is: function h, tf Jakes_Flat fd, Ts, Ns, t0, E0, phi_N JAKES_FLAT Inputs: fd, Ts, Ns : Doppler frequency, sampling time, number of samples t0, E0 : initial time, channel power phi_N : initial phase of the maximum Doppler frequeny sinusoid Outputs: h, tf : complex fading vector, current time if nargin 6, phi_N 0; end if nargin 5, E0 1; end if nargin 4, t0 0; end N0 8; As suggested by Jakes N 4 N0 + 2; an accurate approximation wd 2 pi fd; Maximum Doppler frequency rad t t0 + 0:Ns-1 Ts; Time vector tf t end + Ts; Final time coswt sqrt 2 cos wd t ; 2 cos wd cos 2 pi N 1:N0 ' t ; h E0 sqrt 2 N0+1 exp j phi_N pi N0+1 1:N0 coswt; end Enter code here... My call results in : tic; Jakes_Flat 926, 1E-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 ; toc Elapsed time is 0.008357 seconds. My corresponding Julia code is function Jakes_Flat fd, Ts, Ns, t0 0, E0 1, phi_N 0 Inputs: Outputs: N0 8; As suggested by Jakes N 4 N0+2; An accurate approximation wd 2 pi fd; Maximum Doppler frequency t t0 + 0:Ns-1 Ts; tf t end + Ts; coswt sqrt 2 cos wd t' ; 2 cos wd cos 2 pi N 1:N0 t' h E0 sqrt 2 N0+1 exp im phi_N pi N0+1 1:N0 ' coswt return h, tf; end Saved this as jakes_model-jl My first call results in julia include jakes_model-jl Jakes_Flat generic function with 4 methods julia time Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 elapsed time: 0.65922234 seconds 61018916 bytes allocated julia time Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 elapsed time: 0.042468906 seconds 17204712 bytes allocated, 63.06 gc time For first execution, Julia is taking huge amount of time. On second call, even though Julia take considerably less 0.042468906 sec than first 0.65922234 sec , it's still much higher to Matlab 0.008357 sec . I'm using Matlab R2014b and Julia v0.3.10 on Mac OSX10.10. - vish Jason Merrill 10 18 15 Two quick pieces of advice: Try code_warntype Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 For some reason, the type of the variable h is not being inferred tightly i.e. it has type any . If you can sort things out so that h is typed more concretely, I suspect you'll be able to match matlab's performance. However, if you're going for speed, this code is begging to be devectorized. It creates tons of fairly large intermediate arrays. In Julia, don't be afraid of for loops. It may actually be easier to devectorize the code than it will be to find and fix the typing issue in the original, because the original uses some fairly complicated array concatenation. Andras Niedermayer 10 18 15 There is a type instability see here that slows down your code. code_warntype Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 shows that variable h has type Any. I managed to track down the type instability to the concatenation phi_N pi N0+1 1:N0 ' You can get around the type instability with this modification: function Jakes_Flat fd, Ts, Ns, t0 0, E0 1, phi_N 0 Inputs: Outputs: N0 8; As suggested by Jakes N 4 N0+2; An accurate approximation wd 2 pi fd; Maximum Doppler frequency t t0 + 0:Ns-1; Ts; tf t end + Ts; coswt sqrt 2 cos wd t' ; 2 cos wd cos 2 pi N 1:N0; t' temp zeros 1,N0+1 temp 1,2:end pi N0+1 1:N0; ' temp 1,1 phi_N h E0 sqrt 2 N0+1 exp im temp coswt return h, tf; end This is faster 30 faster than before, but still not as fast as Matlab. Maybe someone else knows the reason for the speed difference I guess it's due to temporary arrays . Andras Niedermayer 10 18 15 The type instability looks like a bug in Julia to me, filed issue: https: JuliaLang julia issues 13665 Daniel Carrera 10 18 15 Hello, Other people have already given advice on how to speed up the code. I just want to comment that Julia really is faster than Matlab, but the way that you make code faster in Julia is almost the opposite of how you do it in Matlab. Specifically, in Matlab the advice is that if you want the code to be fast, you need to eliminate every loop you can and write vectorized code instead. This is because Matlab loops are slow. But Julia loops are fast, and vectorized code creates a lot of overhead in the form of temporary variables, garbage collection, and extra loops. So in Julia you optimize code by putting everything into loops. The upshot is that if you take a Matlab-optimized program and just do a direct line-by-line conversion to Julia, the Julia version can easily be slower. But by the same token, if you took a Julia-optimized program and converted it line-by-line to Matlab, the Matlab version would be ridiculously slow. Oh, and in Julia you also care about types. If the compiler can infer correctly the types of your variables it will write more optimal code. Cheers, Daniel. Kristoffer Carlsson 10 18 15 Worth saying is that Julia is not faster than Matlab if most of your time is spent on doing cosinus on a large array, which this is doing. Glen O 10 19 15 How many cores does your computer have? Recent versions of Matlab automatically parallelise calculations like the coswt calculations, I believe, whereas Julia requires explicit request for parallel computations. A quick profiling in Julia reveals that it's actually the coswt matrix construction that is taking the vast majority of the time. On Sunday, 18 October 2015 21:17:50 UTC+10, Vishnu Raj wrote: Although Julia homepage shows using Julia over Matlab gains more in performance, my experience is quite opposite. I was trying to simulate channel evolution using Jakes Model for wireless communication system. Phil Tomson 10 19 15 Several comments here about the need to de-vectorize code and use for-loops instead. However, vectorized code is a lot more compact and generally easier to read than lots of for-loops. I seem to recall that there was discussion in the past about speeding up vectorized code in Julia so that it could be on par with the vectorized code performance - is this still something being worked on for future versions? Otherwise, if we keep telling people that they need to convert their code to use for-loops, I think Julia isn't going to seem very compelling for people looking for alternatives to Matlab, R, etc. Milan Bouchet-Valat 10 19 15 Re: julia-users Re: Performance compared to Matlab Le lundi 19 octobre 2015 à 12:05 -0700, Phil Tomson a écrit : Several comments here about the need to de-vectorize code and use for -loops instead. However, vectorized code is a lot more compact and generally easier to read than lots of for-loops. I seem to recall that there was discussion in the past about speeding up vectorized code in Julia so that it could be on par with the vectorized code performance - is this still something being worked on for future versions? Otherwise, if we keep telling people that they need to convert their code to use for-loops, I think Julia isn't going to seem very compelling for people looking for alternatives to Matlab, R, etc. There's a long discussion, with still no perfect solution : https: JuliaLang julia issues 8450 But I'm confident something will finally be done about this. :- Regards David Gold 10 19 15 One doesn't always need to write the loops oneself. Oftentimes switching from a pure operator e.g. broadcast to its in-place counterpart e.g. broadcast! can make a world of difference: julia A rand 5_000_000 ; julia function f A sum A .+ A. 2 end f generic function with 1 method julia f A ; time f A 0.182246 seconds 206 allocations: 76.307 MB, 5.70 gc time 4.166856979458311e6 julia _g x, y x + y 2 _g generic function with 1 method julia function g A temp Array Float64,5_000_000 broadcast! _g, temp, A, A sum temp end g generic function with 1 method julia g A ; time g A 0.023660 seconds 8 allocations: 38.147 MB, 28.73 gc time 4.166856979458311e6 Thus it may help to cultivate knowledgeable use of map! and broadcast! as opposed to pure broadcasted operators amongst newcomers to Julia. Steven G. Johnson 10 19 15 On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 3:05:11 PM UTC-4, Phil Tomson wrote: Otherwise, if we keep telling people that they need to convert their code to use for-loops, I think Julia isn't going to seem very compelling for people looking for alternatives to Matlab, R, etc. You only need loops if you are optimizing critical code, and that is usually only a small percentage of most people's code. It's not like vectorized code is terrible much worse than Matlab or Rlang , just that it is often not as fast as C; this is also true in Matlab or Rlang — a whole sequence of vectorized operations like x + 2 y. 2 + z. 3 . x - 5 is not nearly as fast as fusing all the operations into a single Clanguage or Julia loop. The exception, of course, is when Matlab vectorized operations are multi-threaded as in the original post in this thread then they can of course be faster than a non-parallel Julia or Clanguage vectorized operation or explicit loop. Daniel Carrera 10 19 15 Re: julia-users Re: Performance compared to Matlab Julia vectorized code should certainly be as fast as Matlab and NumPy vectorized code, and to the best of my knowledge, it already is. But de-vectorized code will always have an advantage because you have low-level control, and you can avoid temp variables. Cheers, Daniel. John Pearson 10 19 15 This can be true, but I think a lot of us forget just how much time it takes to learn to write compact vectorized code, and how difficult it can be to vectorize absolutely everything. For instance, it's great to be able to write x' A x in Matlab, but a whole ton of code using repmat or bsxfun often becomes easier to read IMO when you can actually look at a single line in a loop and understand a how many indices everything has and b what the i, j, k, ... entry of the resulting array looks like. I have been forced to write a lot of very difficult-to-parse code in Matlab simply in order to avoid what would have been straightforward loops. On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 3:05:11 PM UTC-4, Phil Tomson wrote: Gabriel Gellner 10 21 15 Is it possible to tell Julia to run the vectorized code in parallel? Looking at the documentation I see that you can do it easily for the looped version but is there a macro or something to pass the vectorized version so that is becomes parallel? Stefan Karpinski 10 21 15 Re: julia-users Re: Performance compared to Matlab On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Gabriel Gellner gabriel... wrote: Is it possible to tell Julia to run the vectorized code in parallel? Looking at the documentation I see that you can do it easily for the looped version but is there a macro or something to pass the vectorized version so that is becomes parallel? Not yet but once we introduce threads to the language, it will be. This message has been deleted. Kristoffer Carlsson 10 21 15 For fun and science I tried out the new package https: IntelLabs ParallelAccelerator-jl for this problem. Here is the code: function Jakes_Flat fd, Ts, Ns, t0 0, E0 1, phi_N 0 Inputs: Outputs: N0 8; As suggested by Jakes N 4 N0+2; An accurate approximation wd 2 pi fd; Maximum Doppler frequency ts collect t0 + 0:Ns-1 Ts tf ts end + Ts; Ns collect 1:N0 coswt cosvec ts, wd '; cosmat ts, Ns, wd, N h E0 sqrt 2 N0+1 exp im phi_N pi N0+1 1:N0 ' coswt return h, tf; end acc function cosvec ts, wd Float64 sqrt 2 cos wd t for t in ts end acc function cosmat ts, Ns, wd, N Float64 2 cos wd cos 2 pi N n t for n in Ns, t in ts end Benchmarking this I get: julia time Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 0.004779 seconds 115 allocations: 4.965 MB and without calling the accelerated functions by putting noacc in front of the function calls, I get : julia time Jakes_Flat_noacc 926, 1e-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 0.019072 seconds 75 allocations: 8.396 MB The matlab code on my computer runs at: tic; Jakes_Flat 926, 1E-6, 50000, 0, 1, 0 ; toc Elapsed time is 0.009936 seconds. So.. great victory for ParallelAccelerator-jl? On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 1:17:50 PM UTC+2, Vishnu Raj wrote: Kristoffer Carlsson 10 21 15 Btw it is really cool to see julia running at 400 CPU when running a list comprehension. I did some more benchmarks with larger N to reduce the noise a bit and the difference is actually not that great between Matlab and Julia. However, tying with Matlabs parallellized vectorized maps is great imho. julia time h, f Jakes_Flat 926, 1e-6, 5000000, 0, 1, 0 0.585940 seconds 153 allocations: 495.918 MB, 12.47 gc time tic; Jakes_Flat 926, 1E-6, 5000000, 0, 1, 0 ; toc Elapsed time is 0.609867 seconds. Lindsey Kuper 10 21 15 It's fantastic to see some good ParallelAccelerator results in the wild ! Thanks for sharing. Lindsey jcal... 10 31 15 Since people seem to recommend de-vectorisation a lot -- I should comment on my observation that de-vectorisation in Julia often makes things slower... will get some code out and start a new topic on this...