Groups 49 of 99+ julia-users › How? Has parallel execution changed in 0.5? 2 posts by 2 authors Nils Gudat Jun 13 I feel like I've posted on here with the same title when we went from 0.3 to 0.4, but I'm finding myself in a similar situation. When running my code on 0.5, it simply stops at a function definition - there's no error, the program just doesn't move on. The function definition is this: everywhere function consdec xt::Float64, σ::Float64, r::Float64, υ::Float64 obj c::Float64, xt xt, σ σ, r r, υ υ - u c,σ + bq r xt-c , υ opt Optim.optimize obj, 0.1, xt return -opt.f_minimum, opt.minimum end When I run the code on a single core, this works as expected. However, when I add workers using addprocs at the start, the code just stops at the function definition. Any ideas what could be going wrong here? Amit Murthy Jun 13 The following did not hang on master on my system Pkg.add Optim using Optim precompile Optim addprocs 4 everywhere using Optim Load on all workers followed by the function definition