Groups 36 of 99+ julia-users › how can i rewrite my code to make use of the parallel feature of julia? 2 posts by 2 authors 博陈 Jun 23 Below is part of my code, I wrote it with FFTW.set_num_threads to get parallel fft calculation. However, the for loops for eachindex are just serial. Is it possible to rewrite the code in a parallel way? I don't know how to implement it with parallel, SharedArray or the simple spawn features. To me, the documentations is far from clear. using JLD function ground ϕ0::Array Complex Float64 ,2 , dx::Float64 , dt::Float64 FFTW.set_num_threads CPU_CORES ns size ϕ0, 1 x get_x ns, dx p get_p ns, dx FFT plan p_fft! plan_fft! similar ϕ0 , flags FFTW.MEASURE prop_x Array Float64, ns , ns prop_p similar prop_x inbounds for j in 1:ns inbounds for i in 1:ns prop_x i, j exp -get_potential x i , x j dt 2 prop_p i, j exp - p i 2 + p j 2 2.0 dt end end normϕ √ sumabs2 ϕ0 dx scale! ϕ0, 1 normϕ ϕ2 similar ϕ0 Δϕ Array Float64, 0 push! Δϕ, 1.0 nn 0 while Δϕ 1 1.e-15 for j in eachindex ϕ2 ϕ2 j ϕ0 j prop_x j end p_fft! ϕ2 for j in eachindex ϕ2 ϕ2 j prop_p j end p_fft! \ ϕ2 for j in eachindex ϕ2 ϕ2 j prop_x j end normϕ √ sumabs2 ϕ2 dx scale! ϕ2, 1 normϕ nn + 1 empty! Δϕ push! Δϕ, maxabs ϕ2 - ϕ0 ϕ0, ϕ2 ϕ2, ϕ0 end save data gs-jld , ϕ , ϕ0 ϕ0 end Jeffrey Sarnoff Jul 12 Here are a few answers to similar questions, after the docs -- that is a good place to start. https: forum !searchin julia-users parallel julia-users fe1yZawvvi0 kjX-ZIJwpCAJ https: forum !searchin julia-users parallel julia-users vt2hS9h36a0 _rqJ0Uj_Wy8J https: forum !searchin julia-users parallel julia-users E8fGIiDwckc EGQ1-rDLAAAJ https: forum !searchin julia-users parallel julia-users r3ZLpHCpUKw 09R7p2jGCwAJ