Groups 26 of 99+ julia-users › parallel , double loop , what wrong? 7 posts by 3 authors paul analyst 10 11 15 Like here , what wrong ? k 100 mapa zeros k,k julia parallel for i 1:k,j 1:k mapa i,j sqrt sum D i,: -D j,: . 2 end ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location Paul Daniel Arndt 10 11 15 It appears that the multiple for loop syntax isn't supported for parallel ... I found this issue: https: JuliaLang julia issues 10109 I'm brand new to Julia, so take this warning with that in mind, but I would also be cautious writing to mapa inside your parallel for loop, as each process will have a different copy of the Array, as described here in the documentation: http: en latest manual parallel-computing parallel-map-and-loops Cheers, Dan Vincent Lostanlen 10 12 15 Dear Paul, For k 100 and your purpose, parallelization may not be the utmost performance bottleneck here. I advise you to use the Distances-jl package. Since Julia stores contiguous memory in column-major order, you will first need to transpose the matrix D — or, better, to define it foremost as a n k matrix instead of k n. Once you've ensured that, calling mapa Distances.pairwise Euclidean , D should give you at least a 100x speedup over the for loop you've written, so parallelization should no longer be necessary. Vincent. paul analyst 10 12 15 Re: julia-users Re: parallel , double loop , what wrong? Big THX Vincent , big help : Paul W dniu 2015-10-12 o 12:23, Vincent Lostanlen pisze: paul analyst 10 12 15 Re: julia-users Re: parallel , double loop , what wrong? Unfortunaty for big file no memory : julia F1 load F.jd , F 283300x266 Array Float64,2 : julia mapa Distances.pairwise Euclidean , F1' ERROR: OutOfMemoryError in pairwise at C:\Users\SAMSUNG2\.julia\v0.4\Distances\src\generic-jl:132 Do You have any hint for big sets ? Paul W dniu 2015-10-12 o 12:23, Vincent Lostanlen pisze: Vincent Lostanlen 10 12 15 Re: julia-users Re: parallel , double loop , what wrong? Dear Paul, Remember that for K 283300, you’ll have K K+1 2 4.0e10 distance values. That is over 160 gigabytes in memory. The reason you have an OOM error is that this exceeds the RAM of your machine. So consider whether you really need a quadratic algorithm on such a large number of samples. If so, you’ll have to carefully split the dataset in P 10 splits, and then call Distances.pairwise over all splits p and q for all p q P while progressively freeing memory. That will be P P+1 2 55 iterations, each of them allocating 1.6 Gb. Store progressively each of these 55 gigabyte-sized matrices in your hard drive. Do you really need all distance values ? If your final application is e.g. clustering, there are suboptimal large-scale algorithms that have a lower complexity. Vincent. paul analyst 10 12 15 Re: julia-users Re: parallel , double loop , what wrong? Thx, huge help: unfortunatly i must compute all ; bur only one time ; Paul W dniu 2015-10-12 o 20:52, Vincent Lostanlen pisze: