Groups 22 of 99+ julia-users › Advice for parallel computing 3 posts by 3 authors Dupont Jul 6 Hi, I have an array of composite type A Array MyType N that have been initialized somewhere else. Currently, I am doing this operation for i 1:N doit! A i end I would like to perform this operation in parallel threads if possible on a single computer but SharedArray does not accept composite types. Thank you for your suggestions, Rlang André Lage Aug 10 hi Dupont, I would first check if ParallelAccelerator-jl does what you need: https: IntelLabs ParallelAccelerator-jl Best, André Lage. Islam Badreldin Aug 10 Re: julia-users Re: Advice for parallel computing You can also try `DistributedArrays` and `map`. Basically, you first distribute the array of your composite type on multiple Julia processes, then you call `map` on the distributed array. See the first talk by Andreas Noack in the Parallel Computing workshop for more details http: euZkvgx0fG8 -Islam _____________________________ From: André Lage prof.... Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:04 PM Subject: julia-users Re: Advice for parallel computing To: julia-users julia...