Groups 16 of 99+ julia-users › SharedArray parallel question 6 posts by 3 authors Christopher Alexander Jan 29 Hello all, I have a question about the proper usage of SharedArray parallel. I am trying to use it in a particular part of my code, but I am not getting the expected results instead I am getting an array of zeros each time . Here are the two functions that are involved: function partial_rollback! lattice::TreeLattice, asset::DiscretizedAsset, t::Float64 from asset.common.time if QuantJulia.Math.is_close from, t return end iFrom findfirst . from iTo findfirst . t simd for i iFrom-1:-1:iTo newVals step_back lattice, i, asset.common.values inbounds asset.common.time i asset.common.values sdata newVals if i ! iTo adjust_values! asset end end return asset end function step_back lattice::TreeLattice, i::Int, vals::Vector Float64 newVals SharedArray Float64, get_size lattice.impl, i parallel for j 1:length newVals val 0.0 for l 1:lattice.n val + probability lattice.impl, i, j, l vals descendant lattice.impl, i, j, l end val discount lattice.impl, i, j newVals j val end retArray sdata newVals return retArray end Is that to much complexity in the parallel loop? Right now the max of times I've seen over this loop is in the 9000+ range, so that's why I thought it would be better than pmap. Any suggestions? Thanks! Chris Christopher Alexander Jan 29 I tried using sync parallel and ended up getting a segmentation fault, so I'm not really sure how to parallelize this loop. This is inside of a larger module, so I'm not sure if something special has to be done e.g. putting everywhere somewhere . I've searched this forum and the documentation, which is where I got the idea to add sync. I'd appreciate any input, as I'm kind of stuck. The larger code in which this parallelization should take place is here: https: pazzo83 QuantJulia-jl blob master src methods lattice-jl Thanks! Chris Lutfullah Tomak Jan 30 There is this issue on on github https: JuliaLang julia issues 14764 . I am no expert about parallel computing but may be related. Regards Christopher Alexander Jan 30 I can confirm that I do not see the seg fault issue in 0.5 the latest master , but I am getting fundamentally different results when using the sync parallel construction. In essence, sync parallel is causing arrays of different values compared to using a non-parallelized construction to be built, which is causing an issue further along in my program. It is also much slower, so I am wondering if I my syntax is incorrect. Any input would be appreciated. You can see what is supposed to be generated by loading this script https: pazzo83 QuantJulia-jl blob master swaption_test_code-jl and calling main . Thanks! On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 4:48:51 AM UTC-5, Lutfullah Tomak wrote: There is this issue on on github https: JuliaLang julia issues 14764 . I am no expert about parallel computing but may be related. Regards Christopher Alexander Jan 31 Is this something that would really only be solved by proper multi-threading? ele... Jan 31 Are you absolutely sure that, in the part you are trying to parallelize, no computation depends on the results of a previous computation. If those two computations are moved from serial to parallel then there is no guarantee that the first is complete before the second happens on a different process. Subtle situations include using the values from cells in an array other than the one you are about to update . Those other cells may or may not be updated if the update code is in another process.