Groups 13 of 99+ julia-users › parallel and PyCall 9 posts by 4 authors Yakir Gagnon 10 25 15 How can I use pyimport with multiple processes? So say I want taken from here using PyCall pyimport math math.sin math.pi 4 - sin pi 4 returns 0.0 How exactly can I make this work after launching julia with say 2 processes : r spawn math.sin math.pi 4 fetch r - sin pi 4 returns 0.0 Currently I’m getting this error: WARNING: Module __anon__ not defined on process 2 fatal error on 2: ERROR: UndefVarError: __anon__ not defined in deserialize at serialize-jl:500 in handle_deserialize at serialize-jl:461 in deserialize at serialize-jl:480 in handle_deserialize at serialize-jl:461 in deserialize at serialize-jl:536 in handle_deserialize at serialize-jl:461 in deserialize at serialize-jl:694 in deserialize_datatype at serialize-jl:647 in handle_deserialize at serialize-jl:461 in message_handler_loop at multi-jl:847 in process_tcp_streams at multi-jl:836 in anonymous at task-jl:63 RemoteRefWorker 2 terminated. Channel ERROR unhandled task failure : EOFError: read end of file Any 2,1,11 Matthew Pearce 10 26 15 Thought I had an idea about this, I was wrong: ```julia julia everywhere using PyCall julia everywhere pyimport pylab julia remotecall_fetch pylab.cumsum, 5, collect 1:10 ERROR: cannot serialize a pointer inlined code from error-jl:21 in serialize at serialize-jl:420 inlined code from dict-jl:372 in serialize at serialize-jl:428 in serialize at serialize-jl:310 in serialize at serialize-jl:420 repeats 2 times in serialize at serialize-jl:302 in serialize at serialize-jl:420 inlined code from dict-jl:372 in serialize at serialize-jl:428 in serialize at serialize-jl:310 in serialize at serialize-jl:420 repeats 2 times in serialize at serialize-jl:302 in serialize at serialize-jl:420 inlined code from dict-jl:372 in send_msg_ at multi-jl:222 inlined code from multi-jl:177 in remotecall_fetch at multi-jl:728 inlined code from multi-jl:368 in remotecall_fetch at multi-jl:734 julia pylab.cumsum collect 1:10 10-element Array Int64,1 : 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 ``` 0 0 Yakir Gagnon 10 26 15 Yea, right? So what’s the answer? How can we if at all do any PyCalls parallely? 0 0 Yakir Gagnon 10 29 15 Matthew: did you find a solution? 0 0 Matthew Pearce 10 30 15 So I got something working for my pylab example. julia import PyCall julia PyCall. pyimport pylab julia everywhere import PyCall julia everywhere PyCall. pyimport pylab julia everywhere A pylab.cumsum collect 1:10 1. julia fetch spawnat remotes 1 A 10-element Array Float64,1 : 1.0 3.0 6.0 10.0 15.0 21.0 28.0 36.0 45.0 55.0 No luck with the math module I'm afraid. Two different types of errors depending on style: julia spawnat remotes 1 PyCall. pyimport math as pymath RemoteRef Channel Any 2,1,305 julia fetch spawnat remotes 1 pymath.sin pymath.pi 4 - sin pymath.pi 4 ERROR: On worker 2: UndefVarError: pymath not defined in anonymous at multi-jl:1330 in anonymous at multi-jl:889 in run_work_thunk at multi-jl:645 in run_work_thunk at multi-jl:654 in anonymous at task-jl:54 in remotecall_fetch at multi-jl:731 inlined code from multi-jl:368 in call_on_owner at multi-jl:776 in fetch at multi-jl:784 julia everywhere PyCall. pyimport math as pymath julia fetch spawnat remotes 1 pymath.sin pymath.pi 4 - sin pymath.pi 4 Worker 2 terminated.srun: error: mrc-bsu-tesla1: task 0: Exited with exit code 1 ERROR: ProcessExitedException in yieldto at . task-jl:67 in wait at . task-jl:367 in wait at . task-jl:282 in wait at . channels-jl:97 in take! at . channels-jl:84 in take! at . multi-jl:792 in remotecall_fetch at multi-jl:729 inlined code from multi-jl:368 in call_on_owner at multi-jl:776 in fetch at multi-jl:784 ERROR unhandled task failure : EOFError: read end of file 0 0 Yakir Gagnon 10 30 15 OK, I found a horrible work around that might be good enough for me : Here is a mock python script: import math, time x math.sin math.pi 4 time.sleep 5 mock local work print x spit it out to julia and here is the julia code that runs it: r spawn readall `python` sleep 2 mock local work wait r wait on python t fetch r x parse t x - sin pi 4 not zero but it works... This seems to work no matter what. It’s horrid, but better than nothing. 0 0 thr 12 6 15 I think I found a way to use pycall in parallel: To get around the cannot serialize pointer problem , I declared the corpus delicti everywhere and wrapped it inside a julia function that is also declared everywhere: It's also kind of clumsy and I'm not sure if it applies to your problem, but this worked for me: everywhere using PyCall everywhere pyimport a_python_module everywhere pyfun a_python_function everywhere function wrap_pyfun x return pyfun x end r1 remotecall 2, wrap_pyfun, arg1 r2 remotecall 3, wrap_pyfun, arg2 It also works if you have a python object and you need to call one of it's methods everywhere pyobj a_python_object everywhere function wrap_pymethod x return pyobj :method x end hope this helps ... 0 0 Yakir Gagnon 12 6 15 Re: julia-users Re: parallel and PyCall OMG.... I went through so much round about ways to avoid that error... This would be amazing if it works!!! Thanks! Yakir Gagnon The Queensland Brain Institute Building 79 The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia cell +61 0 424 393 332 work +61 0 733 654 089 0 0 Michael Wojnowicz Jan 14 Re: julia-users Re: parallel and PyCall thr, your solution of writing a Julia wrapper worked for me. thank you. i wouldn't have thought of that. how did you think to do that, by the way? 0 0