Groups 12 of 99+ julia-users › Progress meter for parallel workers 6 posts by 4 authors Jason Eckstein 11 15 15 I was playing around with the ProgressMeter-jl package by Tim Holy and it works great for a single threaded loop. I was wondering if there's any way to run several loops on multiple workers and have a set of progress bars update in real time. When I tried this with Tim's package it just said Progress: 100 Time: .... after each was complete but nothing during intermediate progress. What I had in mind was a display like Worker 1: Progress: X ... Worker 2: Progress: Y .... that update in real time but have multiple lines to represent the different workers. bernhard 11 16 15 related to this I would welcome if it were possible to show the progress of a pmap statement. It is easy, to have each worker display the instance number which is being processed say if pmap goes over a range 1:n . But I do not know how to show progress and estimated time left.... 0 0 Tomas Lycken 11 16 15 There has been some discussion about this, see https: timholy ProgressMeter-jl issues 9 and https: timholy ProgressMeter-jl issues 32 T 0 0 This message has been deleted. Benjamin Deonovic 11 17 15 I made a progress meter for parallel runners once in julia about a year ago. I've since stopped using the code but it might inspire you to make something similar: http: yy1a9RCv 0 0 Jason Eckstein 11 18 15 Interesting, thanks for the help. 0 0