Groups 216 of 99+ julia-users › Current state of 3rd party APIs in Julia? 6 posts by 5 authors Ed 9/19/14 Hello, I was wondering if anybody knows what's the current state of the connectors between Julia and postgres, Amazon S3, and Google Storage and Google BigQuery? Do they "just work", or are they buggy, or completely unusable/not built yet? Ed 9/21/14 Please? On Friday, September 19, 2014 11:37:21 AM UTC-6, Ed wrote: Hello, I was wondering if anybody knows what's the current state of the connectors between Julia and postgres, Amazon S3, and Google Storage and Google BigQuery? Do they "just work", or are they buggy, or completely unusable/not built yet? 0 0 Randy Zwitch 9/21/14 Julia and Postgres works fine using the ODBC.jl package; I know there is also a Postgres-specific package in the works. I've used the AWS.jl package to download from S3, but haven't used it enough to say it "just works". I'm not aware of Google package APIs. - show quoted text - 0 0 Viral Shah 9/24/14 The EC2 API is pretty complete in Amit Murthy's AWS.jl, but it needs to be updated, and takes a long time to compile. I don't know of Google APIs. We do want to have stable and well-tested packages for some widely used AWS APIs to start with. -viral - show quoted text - 0 0 Stefan Karpinski 9/24/14 Re: [julia-users] Re: Current state of 3rd party APIs in Julia? Julia Ferraioli wrote a blog post on running Julia on the Google Compute Engine earlier in 2014: I'm not sure how up-to-date it is, but it may be helpful. - show quoted text - 0 0 Adam Smith 9/26/14 Re: [julia-users] Re: Current state of 3rd party APIs in Julia? Re: Google APIs, Google's python clients are pretty complete and up-to-date, so I'd suspect that you could get pretty far with those and Julia's PyCall to get up & running in the short term. - show quoted text - 0 0