Groups 201 of 99+ julia-users › Need help parallelizing this benchmark 4 posts by 3 authors SixString 4/15/15 I've been advised to write loops in pure Julia for speed, contrary to the strategy of using library functions in Python. After spending a couple hundred hours learning Julia, I am having trouble matching Python's speed with Julia. Here is code for a benchmark in Python: import numpy as np import numexpr as ne from scipy.linalg.blas import zdotu from timeit import default_timer as timer n = 10000000 reps = 50 x = -1J * np.ones(n) y = 1J * np.ones(n) res = np.empty(reps, dtype=np.complex128) start = timer() for k in range(reps): scaler = float(k) cexp = ne.evaluate('exp(scaler * x)') res[k] = zdotu(cexp, y) exec_time=(timer() - start) print print("Execution took", str(round(exec_time, 1)), "seconds") On my Intel Core-i7 Windows PC with 64-bit Python 3.4, this took 4.5 seconds to execute. I note that Python's numexpr library function uses all 8 CPU threads, while BLAS' zdotu() is single-threaded. Here is my single-threaded Julia code for the same benchmark: function innerloop(x::Array{Complex{Float64}}, y::Array{Complex{Float64}}, scaler::Float64) n = length(x) assert(length(y) == n) s = 0.0 + 0.0im @simd for i in 1:n @inbounds s += y[i] * exp(scaler * x[i]) end s end function timeit(n::Int, reps::Int) x = fill(0.0-1.0im, n) y = fill(0.0+1.0im, n) res = Array(Complex{Float64}, reps) @time for k in 1:reps scaler = convert(Float64, k) res[k] = innerloop(x, y, scaler) end end timeit(100, 1) timeit(10000000, 50) On the same PC with 64-bit Julia 0.3.7, the second call to timeit() took 17.6 seconds and allocated 0 bytes. That is 3.9 times slower than Python. I note that the @simd decorator didn't speed up the execution. Python performance seems in reach if I can get a parallelized Julia implementation. Here is my attempt: function innerloop(x::Array{Complex{Float64}}, y::Array{Complex{Float64}}, scaler::Float64) n = length(x) assert(length(y) == n) s = @parallel (+) for i in 1:n y[i] * exp(scaler * x[i]) end s end The timeit() function remains the same. Running Julia with the "-p 8" on the command line, the second call to timeit() took 233 seconds and allocated 303GB. The huge allocation is my clue that something is really wrong here. All my attempts at adding @inbounds created errors. I should say that this benchmark is representative of a real problem that I am trying to solve. My actual Python code takes 10 minutes to execute because n and reps are larger. However, the types of the vectors match my actual code, and scaler changes with each rep. Please show me by example how to modify innerloop() to be faster than the single-threaded version. My preference is for a fix with Julia 0.3.7, but I am also interested if someone provides Julia 0.4-pre code including a speed comparison with the single-threaded version on their machine. If possible, I would like to avoid SharedArrays because (I believe) they can't be used with BLAS calls in other functions. Kristoffer Carlsson 4/15/15 Not sure how valuable this post is but for fun I tried the new Yeppp.jl wrapper ( and got it down from 15 to ~ 4 seconds without anything running in parallel. I didn't bother sending in the buffer arrays but instead just put them as consts outside the function using Yeppp const n = 10000000 const p = Array(Float64, n) const p_cos = Array(Float64, n) const p_sin = Array(Float64, n) function innerloop(x_real::Array{Float64}, x_imag::Array{Float64}, y::Array{Complex{Float64}}, scaler::Float64) n = length(x_real) assert(length(y) == n) Yeppp.exp!(p, x_real) Yeppp.cos!(p_cos, x_imag) Yeppp.sin!(p_sin, x_imag) s = 0.0 + 0.0im @inbounds for i in 1:n s += y[i] * Complex(p[i] * scaler * p_cos[i], p[i] * scaler * p_sin[i]) end return s end function timeit(n::Int, reps::Int) x_real = fill(0.0, n) x_imag = fill(-1.0, n) y = fill(0.0+1.0im, n) res = Array(Complex{Float64}, reps) for k in 1:reps scaler = convert(Float64, k) res[k] = innerloop(x_real, x_imag, y, scaler) end end timeit(100, 1) @time timeit(n, 50) - show quoted text - SixString 4/15/15 @Kristoffer Carlsson , I do appreciate your help and your clever use of Yeppp, which is limited to reals. I may be able to redesign my algorithm with all reals and get faster execution with Julia than with Python, which does not have a wrapper for Yeppp that I could find. Doing so may also involve vectorized dot products with the BLAS library. Since I am processing GB-sized vectors, this involves large temporary vectors, and I may not have enough RAM. Also, it contradicts the advice I was given previously in this forum to write my loops in pure Julia for speed. So I would still like to hear from forum members about how to get parallelized pure Julia code executing faster than single-threaded. Maybe I have to wait for Julia v0.5 for this to manifest. Viral Shah 4/16/15 Multi-threading in Julia is still some ways away. Basic thread safety should be in place soon after 0.4. -viral On Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 6:43:42 AM UTC+5:30, SixString wrote: @Kristoffer Carlsson , I do appreciate your help and your clever use of Yeppp, which is limited to reals. I may be able to redesign my algorithm with all reals and get faster execution with Julia than with Python, which does not have a wrapper for Yeppp that I could find. Doing so may also involve vectorized dot products with the BLAS library. Since I am processing GB-sized vectors, this involves large temporary vectors, and I may not have enough RAM. Also, it contradicts the advice I was given previously in this forum to write my loops in pure Julia for speed. So I would still like to hear from forum members about how to get parallelized pure Julia code executing faster than single-threaded. Maybe I have to wait for Julia v0.5 for this to manifest.