Groups 195 of 99+ julia-users › Package Directory of Remote Workers 2 posts by 1 author Young-Jun Ko Jan 26 Hello, I am trying to use the parallel processing capabilities of julia in the following way. I have two machine m1, m2 with the following characteristics: - They do not share a file system. - User names are different - Julia and packages are installed in different locations. I connect m1 and m2 using master_slave topology, i.e. from m1 I run: addprocs( [("m1", 1)], tunnel=true, topology=:master_slave, dir=<...>, exename=<...> ) Now, I have some data in an HDF5 file that I would like to load on m2. HDF5 is installed on both machines and works when imported from the respective REPLs. But when I run addprocs( as above ) import HDF5 I get the following output: julia> workers() 1-element Array{Int64,1}: 2 julia> import HDF5 ERROR: On worker 2: InitError: error compiling __init__: could not load library "/julia/v0.4/Blosc/src/../deps/libblosc" /home/90days/ko/julia/v0.4/Blosc/src/../deps/libblosc: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory It seems that m2 is somehow using the configuration of m1. However, if I check Pkg.dir() on m2, it returns the correct Pkg directory. julia> d = @spawnat 2 Pkg.dir() RemoteRef{Channel{Any}}(2,1,4) julia> fetch(d) "$HOME/.julia/v0.4" Does anyone have an idea how to debug whats going on? Thanks! Young-Jun Ko Jan 26 What seems to work here is to put the import statements into the .juliarc.jl file on the remote machine. This seems a bit clumsy though. - show quoted text -