Groups 191 of 99+ julia-users › It is getting harder to match function prototypes 3 posts by 2 authors David van Leeuwen May 2 Hello, I am trying to get GaussianMixtuers.jl to pass the tests in julia-0.5.0-dev+3476 . I am more and more often running into problems related to not being able to find any function to dispatch to, it seems. This time, I am stuck with the error MethodError: no method matching xμTΛxμ!(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::UpperTriangular{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}) Closest candidates are: xμTΛxμ!(::Array{T,2}, ::Array{T,2}, ::Array{T,1}, ::UpperTriangular{T,S<:AbstractArray{T,2}}) The badly named `xμTΛxμ!()` is a function in GaussianMixtures. In this case, I can't really see which of the arguments does't match to the closest candidate. The type `T` in the closest candidate is not specified in the function prototype, so I guess that implicitly the four `T`s in the closest candidate are, in fact, implicitly not the same type. But even if they are implicitly the same type, the call clearly is with `T==Float64` for the five `T`s in the closest candidate. The prototype is function xμTΛxμ!(Δ::Matrix, x::Matrix, μ::Vector, ciΣ::UpperTriangular) In julia-0.3 and julia-0.4, this problem does not occur. Does anyone know what might be going on? Thanks, ---david Stefan Karpinski May 2 That's strange – that method appears to match what is being looked for. Have you defined your own Matrix, Vector or UpperTriangular types that might be disjoint from the ones provided by Julia?? - show quoted text - David van Leeuwen May 2 Not that I know. I do have some logic to sort out UpperTriangular for versions < v"0.4.0-dev", but this does not run for julia-0.5. It seems though, that this particular error only occurs in testing with 2 subprocesses for parallel computation. I've made sure that the version of the code in ~/.julia/v0.5/GaussianMixtures is the same as the codebase I am developing in. Perhaps the processes spawned by `addprocs()` run a different version of Julia than what I am using for testing? Could any of these types have changed identity in such version mismatch? I have /usr/local/bin/julia pointing to julia-0.4 . - show quoted text -