Groups 181 of 99+ julia-users › Starting Julia with Julia -p 2 provides 1 worker 11 posts by 3 authors Iacopo Poli Apr 19 Hi, I'm trying to start Julia with more than one worker, but if I type in the terminal for example "julia -p 2", then in the REPL nworkers() returns 1. I have version 0.5.0-dev+3488 and a Intel Core i5 (Macbook Pro Mid 2012). Running system_profiler: "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType Hardware: Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,2 ... Total Number of Cores: 2 ... " So I should be able to start Julia with two workers... Any guess why this isn't working? This message has been deleted. Greg Plowman Apr 19 julia -p 2 will start Julia with 2 processes. nprocs() will return 2 nworkers() will return 1 (1 less than nprocs()) - show quoted text - Andre Bieler Apr 19 As Greg said, the total number of workers is one less than the number of available processes. There is always one master process (with id = 1, and not considered a worker) and the remaining workers. So for julia -p 3 you will get one master process and two workers. The documentation may be misleading in this context, as it says: Starting with julia -p n provides n worker processes on the local machine. But nworkers() is actually n-1. However, if you do a @everywhere, the expression will be executed on all n processes. Iacopo Poli Apr 19 All of this seems very reasonable... Except for the fact that also nprocs() is returning 1 after calling julia -p 2 :D I call julia from terminal using export PATH in bash_profile, but the behavior is the same if I go in the directory and call ./Julia -p 2 Plus, I think I saw n workers after a call at julia -p n in Julia 0.4 on another machine, but not sure about it... (btw the doc really is misleading, maybe should be restated in more clearly, but it's a minor issue) - show quoted text - Andre Bieler Apr 19 Huh.. I just tried julia -p 2 on version 0.4.5 and it actually starts with 3 processes and 2 workers. So the docs are correct. Sorry i cant help with the 0.5 version.. Iacopo Poli Apr 20 I downloaded version 0.4.5, again calling it with -p 2 returns 1 process and 1 worker... I really can't understand why - show quoted text - Greg Plowman Apr 20 Sorry, I can't really help you with command line julia -p 2 But what happens when you call addprocs() from REPL? Also, what is the value of CPU_CORES (typed at REPL)? This message has been deleted. Iacopo Poli Apr 21 Calling addprocs() from REPL with for example CPU_CORES as argument returns 5 procs and 4 workers as expected, CPU_CORES returns 4 (physical cores are 2, but logical ones are 4). Also rmprocs(n) works fine, it lets me remove all procs but the first as I would expect. - show quoted text - Iacopo Poli Apr 28 A friend on mine encounters the same problem with another Macbook Pro model and El Captain OS. "julia -p N" doesn't work from terminal but addprocs() works as a charm