Groups 128 of 99+ julia-users › update for front page code ... 3 posts by 2 authors cdm 11/20/15 at the front page of in the "Designed for Parallelism and Cloud Computing" section the example code is not consistent with the code required for successful execution in the Current Release (v0.4.1) ... the following code should replace the example code: julia> nheads = @parallel (+) for i=1:100000000 Int(rand(Bool)) end Eric Forgy 11/20/15 Hi, If you find an error/typo in the docs, you can edit it directly on GitHub and submit a pull request to fix it. That is what I usually do. A small way to help out. Cheers cdm Mar 25 the docs appear to have this corrected at but, it does not appear to be the case that this flows through to the front-page matter at in particular, a GitSearch of the julialang repository for the string "nheads" has one result, see link above.