Groups 124 of 99+ julia-users › worker waiting??? 3 posts by 2 authors digxx Apr 16 When accessing a SharedArray do the other workers wait when at one moment in time a specific worker is changing some entry another worker would like to access to too? for example power=SharedArray(Int64,10) @parallel for i=1,100 if power(1)==0 power(1) = something end end digxx Apr 16 Sry, I accidentally sent my post. So the above version seems to run berserker if i put an @sync infront of @parallel it seems to work, but does it really? Yichao Yu Apr 16 Re: [julia-users] Re: worker waiting??? - show quoted text - It's not vary clear from your code above what you want to do although there's a few things that I can say, 1. I don't think SharedArray have any automatic locking/synchronization scheme (since it will be very expensive). 2. You need @sync in front @parallel is necessary if you want to wait for the loop to finish. This is documented in the doc for parallel and sync.