Groups 108 of 99+ julia-users › Ehsan Totoni on ParallelAccelerator.jl in San Francisco on thurs Dec 17 5 posts by 4 authors Christian Peel 12/13/15 This thursday Dec 17 Ehsan Totoni of Intel Labs will speak on ParallelAccelerator.jl [1] in San Francisco to the SF Julia Users group [2]. ParallelAccelerator is a compiler that performs aggressive analysis and optimization on top of the Julia compiler. It can automatically eliminate overheads such as array bounds checking safely, and parallelize and vectorize many data-parallel operations. Ehsan will describe how it works, give examples, list current limitations, and discuss future directions of the package. we'd love to have you join us [1] [2] -- Phil Tomson 12/14/15 Other recipients: Will this talk be recorded? - show quoted text - Christian Peel 12/20/15 Other recipients: This was a great talk. I love the idea of getting fast results with vectorized code. Ehsan and Lindsey Kuper (who was also at the talk) said that they are working with Julia Computing and investigating integration with the multi-threaded Julia that is coming so that an external compiler (gcc, icc) would not be needed. I look forward to hearing more from Intel Labs on this. Ehsan's slides [1], raw, unedited audio from the meetup [2], and a similar introductory talk from Lindsey [3] are available online. [1] [2] [3] - show quoted text - -- Tony Kelman 12/20/15 Thanks for organizing this Christian, to Forio for hosting, to Ehsan for presenting, and to Lindsey and anyone else there who I was able to chat with. Was a fun meetup, as usual. Ehsan Totoni 12/20/15 Thank you Chris for organizing the presentation and everyone for attending. Hopefully, with the help of Julia community, we can make high performance scientific computing in Julia much easier and faster. On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 2:20:01 PM UTC-8, Tony Kelman wrote: Thanks for organizing this Christian, to Forio for hosting, to Ehsan for presenting, and to Lindsey and anyone else there who I was able to chat with. Was a fun meetup, as usual.