Groups 87 of 99+ julia-users › GSoC 2016 - Simple persistent distributed storage Project 6 posts by 3 authors Soujanya Ponnpalli Mar 11 Hello! I am Soujanya Ponnapalli, a junior at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), majoring in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). I got introduced to Julia at International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium - IPDPS 2015 and was taken aback by the features of Julia like performance efficiency, parallel and distributed computation support. I would rate my competency level in C++, Java and Python as intermediate and getting my hands on Julia. I would like to contribute to the project " Simple persistent distributed storage" as I'm interested in Distributed Systems. My experience in this field includes, implementing a file system similar to HDFS in java. I would be thankful if I could get some information regarding, 1. What is expected from your side, in context to this project? 2. How do I contact the mentors and get involved in the project discussions? Regards, Soujanya Ponnapalli. Mike Innes Mar 13 Hey Soujanya, Glad to have your interest! I don't know a lot about this project personally, but you might be interested to take a look at the recent work on ComputeFramework.jl, which is in a similar area. Getting stuck in over there would be a great way to meet potential mentors and get a hard start on the project. Cheers, Mike - show quoted text - Soujanya Ponnpalli Mar 18 Re: [julia-users] Re: GSoC 2016 - Simple persistent distributed storage Project Hello! I've started taking a look at the package ComputeFramework.jl. I have a few queries and would want some information regarding them. Could you tell me how I could get in touch with potential mentors for this project? Is it the case that there are a few fixed mentors amongst which one shall get convinced to mentor me, or is it that anyone with domain specific knowledge and experience in Julia can mentor me on this project? Looking forward to hear from you, Soujanya Ponnapalli. - show quoted text - Mike Innes Mar 19 Re: [julia-users] Re: GSoC 2016 - Simple persistent distributed storage Project For something ComputeFramework related, it's likely that Shashi Gowda would be interested in mentoring. You could try opening issues for queries as well. We're flexible about mentoring if you have someone in mind, but in general we'll try to match proposals with people who are known to the community. - show quoted text - Shashi Gowda Mar 21 Re: [julia-users] Re: GSoC 2016 - Simple persistent distributed storage Project Other recipients: Hello, I think ComputeFramework is not a good starting point for this project, it's meant to be used for computing on large matrices and such. Amit (cc'd here) has thought about distributed dictionaries and will have more inputs on your project. I would say you should start by listing the features you would like to have in such a package and then figuring out some implementation plan. You should look at the documentation on the parallel computing primitives in Julia since it's likely you will use them as the basic building blocks. Thanks - show quoted text - This message has been deleted.