Groups 70 of 99+ julia-users › Array of type generates error in parallel computing 1 post by 1 author Simone Mazzola 10/22/15 Hi all, I'm really new to Julia language, especially in parallel computing. My general code structure is something like this: #### using MyModule # in this module the type "MyType" is defined MyTypeArray=Array(MyType,z) for i=1:z println(MyTypeArray[i]) end #### Using the standard loop cycle everything works fine. If I try to move to parallel computing using this: #### using MyModule # in this module the type "MyType" is defined MyTypeArray=Array(MyType,z) @parallel for i=1:z println(MyTypeArray[i]) end #### the code doesn't work and I obtain this error for each worker: 1-element Array{Any,1}: fatal error on 2: RemoteRef{Channel{Any}}(2,1,4) julia> ERROR: MethodError: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{LambdaStaticData}, ::Array{Any,1}) This may have arisen from a call to the constructor LambdaStaticData(...), since type constructors fall back to convert methods. Closest candidates are: call{T}(::Type{T}, ::Any) convert{T}(::Type{T}, !Matched::T) in deserialize at serialize.jl:534 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:694 in deserialize_datatype at serialize.jl:647 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize_array at serialize.jl:612 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:694 in deserialize_datatype at serialize.jl:647 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize_array at serialize.jl:612 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:480 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:536 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:480 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:536 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in deserialize at serialize.jl:694 in deserialize_datatype at serialize.jl:647 in handle_deserialize at serialize.jl:461 in message_handler_loop at multi.jl:847 in process_tcp_streams at multi.jl:836 in anonymous at task.jl:63 Worker 2 terminated. ERROR (unhandled task failure): EOFError: read end of file Does anyone have any suggestion? Thanks, Simone