Groups 50 of 99+ julia-users › Deprecation of `require` and parallel code execution. 4 posts by 2 authors Jhan Jar Apr 9 Hi, In Julia 0.3.5, the following loaded the data and code/functions on all workers: addprocs(3) require("data_loading_script.jl") require("functions.jl") Now, Julia 0.4.5 warns about deprecation of require and suggests switching to 'using' or 'import'. What is the equivalent in Julia 0.4.5 for the above three lines that worked fine in Julia 0.3.x? Eduardo Lenz Apr 9 Hi. Use include("file.jl") and add @everywhere in front of the definition of every function to be used inside the @parallel loop. []´s - show quoted text - Jhan Jar Apr 9 Would it also work for pmap()? I don't have any @parallel loops. - show quoted text - Eduardo Lenz Apr 9 Hi. Yes, exactly the same with pmap() Silly example: addprocs(3) @everywhere Test(i) println(myid()) end i=1:1000; pmap(Test,i) if you do not use @everywhere, it will not work. - show quoted text -