Groups 23 of 99+ julia-users › Parallel computing 3 posts by 3 authors SHORE SHEN May 21 Hi Im running a loop, and system shows that only 20% of CPU were used. I then think that due to the fact that my CPU is 4 core 8 thread, parallel computing might help on getting the full potential. I used addprocs() to add processes to my computer, and follow the instructions to use remotecall. however, that doesnt work, only the main processors are working, others just taking memory. For more, I if I use my own function, it will show errors that function not defined on processor n. Please help me on allocating tasks to different processor, using the full potential of CPU and define functions in different processors. Im new to julia, if you can make it easy to understand, thank you. Nils Gudat May 22 This is a rather broad question, and I would suggest that you have (another?) close look at the parallel documentation. The errors about functions not defined on worker processes e.g. suggest that you aren't using the @everywhere macro when defining functions (or using it incorrectly). Without knowing more about what exactly you are trying to do this question is impossible to answer. Chris Rackauckas May 22 You need to use @everywhere to have the function defined on the workers. Can we see some code? - show quoted text -