Groups 19 of 99+ julia-users › @time function returns value before the complete parallel function is evaluated 3 posts by 3 authors Néstor Castillo Mar 1 Hello all, I'm timing a parallel function and I get a return value "elapsed time" before the whole function is evaluated!! If i print the current t index inside the for loop and execute the function with @time disjoint... First I get the elapsed time and later I get something like worker 2 101 worker 3 105 etc so the function has not been completely evaluated but it returned :( The function is like this function disjointComponents(Data::Array, tini=1, tfini=tmax) @parallel for t=tini:tfini stuff(); println(t) end end Thank you very much in advance, Néstor Yichao Yu Mar 1 - show quoted text - - show quoted text - Tim Holy Mar 1 See the part in the manual about "@sync @parallel for". Best, --Tim - show quoted text -