SharedArray not type stable 17101 Closed mauro3 opened this Issue on Jun 25 ยท 1 comment Projects None yet Labels parallel Milestone No milestone Assignees No one assigned 3 participants mauro3 timholy kshyatt Notifications mauro3 mauro3 commented on Jun 25 SharedArray constructor is not type stable. On 0.5: julia code_warntype SharedArray Int, 1 Variables: self ::Type SharedArray T::Type Int64 I::Tuple Int64 Body: begin sharedarray-jl, line 114: return $ Expr :invoke, SharedArray 457 ::Array Any,1 , ::Type T , ::Type T , ::Int64, ::Vararg Int64,N , : Base. SharedArray 457 , : Core.ccall -jl_alloc_array_1d, Core.apply_type Core.Array,Any,1 ::Type Array Any,1 , Core.svec Core.Any,Core.Int ::SimpleVector,Array Any,1 ,0,0,0 ::Array Any,1 , : self , : T , : Core.getfield I,1 ::Int64 end::Union SharedArray T,N ,Void On 0.4, the inferred type is Any. I'm pretty sure Any was also inferred for 0.5 until recently, maybe 17095 changed this? I could have sworn I filed this two days ago, but apparently not... timholy timholy referenced this issue on Jun 25 Merged Make the SharedArray constructor inferrable. Fixes 17101 17104 timholy timholy added a commit that closed this issue on Jun 25 timholy Make the SharedArray constructor inferrable. Fixes 17101 539142e timholy timholy closed this in 539142e on Jun 25 timholy The Julia Language member timholy commented on Jun 25 Somehow not autoclosed. kshyatt kshyatt added the parallel label on Jun 25