addprocs : sh: 1: export: usr bin julia bin julia: bad variable name 18587 Closed laurentheirendt opened this Issue on Sep 19 · 6 comments Projects None yet Labels parallel Milestone No milestone Assignees amitmurthy amitmurthy 3 participants laurentheirendt amitmurthy ViralBShah Notifications laurentheirendt laurentheirendt commented on Sep 19 • edited Relevant versions: Julia 0.5.0-rc4 & v0.4.6 & 0.4.5 || Linux 14.04 LTS PATH is set to usr bin julia bin Adding processes using: addprocs first.last ,:auto , tunnel true, topology :master_slave, dir ` `, sshflags `-p9000` ; results in: sh: 1: export: usr bin julia bin julia: bad variable name Is there anything that I am missing out here? This used to work ... On all the machines is the same version of Julia, freshly cloned. amitmurthy amitmurthy was assigned by andreasnoack on Sep 19 ViralBShah ViralBShah added the parallel label on Sep 19 laurentheirendt laurentheirendt commented on Sep 20 • edited Testing reveals that the issue is related to the function launch_on_machine manager::SSHManager, machine, cnt, params, launched, launch_ntfy::Condition in base managers-jl. The cmdstring is not properly built and $exename is called as part of the export command in $tval. Following suggestions: 1 remove the ; after the ENV variable - gives an error when connecting tval haskey ENV, JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT ? `export JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT $ ENV JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT ` : `` 2 change the cmdstring by adding && between $tval and $exename: cmd `cd $dir && $tval && $exename $exeflags` Further testing is needed before submitting a PR. laurentheirendt laurentheirendt referenced this issue on Sep 20 Closed addprocs with SSHManager fails to load more than 1 process on remote node 18600 amitmurthy The Julia Language member amitmurthy commented on Sep 20 I cannot reproduce this locally on OSX. This used to work ... Which is the last version of Julia that it worked for you? Or did something else change when it stopped working? Can you print the output of set | grep JULIA from your shell or the value of ENV JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT from the Julia REPL? laurentheirendt laurentheirendt commented on Sep 20 I am actually trying to reinstall the old versions to figure out since when, but I am sure it still worked with v3.12. Here is the output of the environment variable: julia ENV JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT 1000 amitmurthy The Julia Language member amitmurthy commented on Sep 20 I just tested on an Ubuntu system locally and it worked fine. Could you add a println cmd after cmd `ssh -T -a -x -o ClearAllForwardings yes -n $sshflags $host $ shell_escape cmd ` so that we can see how the cmd is being built in your environment? laurentheirendt laurentheirendt commented on Sep 20 I upgraded all the Julia versions on all the nodes and on the host to v0.5.0. Most importantly, I set the environment explicitly in .bashrc as export JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT 1000; ... and it works now! It seems as if previously, the environment was set such that there was a whitespace after the number 1000: julia ENV JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT 1000 Thanks for your help. laurentheirendt laurentheirendt closed this on Sep 20 amitmurthy amitmurthy referenced this issue on Sep 20 Open Better handling and error reporting of incorrect JULIA_WORKER_TIMEOUT definitions 18602 amitmurthy The Julia Language member amitmurthy commented on Sep 20 Thanks. I have opened an issue to handle the error better - 18602